These videos were designed to focus on promoting the events, including the masterclass, vender stalls and enjoyment of the partisipants.

In total 6 videos were produced 3 promos videos and 3 promos focused on the masterclasses at the event.

Main Event- cut #1

The first of the main event cuts.

Masterclass- cut #1

A cheeky attempt at more fun viral content.

Main Event- cut #2

The second of the main event cuts.

Masterclass- cut #2

A shorter highlight reel of the main video.

Main Event- cut #3

The third of the main event cuts.

Masterclass- cut #3

This cut ends with a humours ending. If you aren’t into whisky, the brand being discussed is known for not disclosing the distilleries sourced for their releases, however the presenter let out this secret information for this particular release.

A selection of photos taken during the shoot.